Toyota: Smart City

Toyota: Smart City


A smart city is the re-development of an area or city using information and communication technologies (ICT) to enhance the performance and quality of urban services such as energy, connectivity, transportation, utilities and others.

A smart city is developed when ‘smart’ technologies are deployed to change the nature and economics of the surrounding infrastructure.

According to Gemalto, a smart city is best described as a framework and a big part of the ICT is an intelligent network of connected objects and machines that transmit data using wireless technology and the cloud.

Toyota is building a Smart City to test AI, robots and self-driving cars

Toyota has unveiled plans for a 2,000-person “city of the future,” where it will test autonomous vehicles, smart technology and robot-assisted living.

Toyota Motor Corp. and Nippon Telegraph and Telephone Corp., Japan’s auto and telecommunications giants, formed a capital tie-up Tuesday to build energy-efficient “smart cities” where autonomous vehicles transport residents.

The two firms, which have been developing “connected cars” equipped with advanced telecommunication systems since 2017, deepened their partnership into mutual shareholdings, with each investing around 200 billion yen ($1.8 billion) by purchasing each other’s treasury stocks.

Toyota said it will start the smart city project at a 175-acre site at the foot of Mt. Fuji in Susono, Shizuoka Prefecture, after closing its plant there at the end of this year.

Toyota has said only fully autonomous, zero-emission vehicles are allowed to travel on main streets in the envisioned smart city where around 2,000 residents have in-home robotics to assist their daily lives.

The city’s architecture is being led by Danish designer, Bjarke Ingels, whose firm has previously lent design services to high-profile projects like Google’s Mountain View and London headquarters, New York’s World Trade Centers, and Dubai’s Mars simulation city.

So why do we need Smart Cities?

 The world’s population is continually growing, and urbanisation is expected to add another 2.5 billion people to cities over the next three decades, according to Gemalto.

Already, the increase in the human population is leading to overcrowding in mega-cities around the world such as New York, Tokyo and London.

The UK Department of Transport reported that Britain is one of the most congested countries in the world, and in London alone there were 5.4 percent more passengers than the capacity during morning rush-hour periods in 2017.

“Building a complete city from the ground up, even on a small scale like this, is a unique opportunity to develop future technologies, including a digital operating system for the city’s infrastructure,” said Toyota CEO Akio Toyoda.

The ambitious project, dubbed Woven City, is set to break ground next year in the foothills of Japan’s Mount Fuji, about 60 miles from Tokyo.

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Toyota’s Smart City Envisioned.

To find out more about Toyota’s Smart City please watch the video provided below.

Toyota has revealed plans to build a prototype “city” of the future on a 175-acre site at the base of Mt. Fuji in Japan. Called the Woven City, it will be a fully connected ecosystem powered by hydrogen fuel cells.

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Data Analysis: Artificial Intelligence

Data Analysis: Artificial Intelligence


 Artificial Intelligence is a collection of technologies that excel at extracting insights and patterns from large sets of data, then making predictions based on that information. That includes your analytics data from places like Google Analytics, automation platforms, content management systems, CRMs, and more.

5 Buisnesses using Artificial Intelligence in 2020

With a large number of organizations showing interest in obtaining analytics and artificial intelligence (AL) products and services, a host of companies have hustled to fill the need. According to Forrester, “53% of global data and analytics decision makers say they have implemented, are in the process of implementing, or are expanding or upgrading their implementation of some form of artificial intelligence.”

1. Alibaba
Alibaba is china’s ecommerce company which sells more than Amazon and eBay combined. Alibaba is the world’s largest e-commerce platform that uses Artificial Intelligence every day to predict what its audience wants to buy but also using AI to automate the product description using natural language generation. Alibaba also have Alibaba City Brain where they are offering there AI services to china’s cities to help create smart cities.

2. Alphabet
Alphabet is a parent company of Google that are focusing a large share of their attention to self-driving cars with Waymo the company’s self-driving technology division. Waymo was created to help reduce the number of crashes which is currently being trailed in California for self-driving taxies. Another AI development from google is Google Duplex with AI voice interface can make phone calls and schedule appointments using natural language processing.

3. Amazon
Amazon is America’s largest e-trailer company that thrives using AI with its well known digital voice assistant, Alexa. Amazon also use AI to ship things to you before you even think about buying it using what they call anticipatory shipping. With Amazons level of confidence, they are able to predict what a person is going to buy from data about a person’s buying habits with predictive analytics. The e-retailer also offers Amazon go a new convenience store concept where there is no checkout required. The stores use AI technology to track what items you pick up and charge for them automatically.

4. Facebook
Facebook is a well known social networking site that has invested a huge amount of money into AI and deep learning technology and have developed a tool called Deep Text which now automatically understands the words you type and the meaning behind them. Also, Deep face which is a utility used to help Facebook recognise faces anywhere on the internet. Facebook’s Deep face is now in fact better then human face recognition capability with creating 3-D images of a persons face from an uploaded photograph and then looking where else it is on Facebook to help make new friend suggestions.

5. Microsoft
Microsoft use AI with smart machines and focus on the machines now being central to everything they do as they strongly believe it to be the future of software. From computer software such as office with spell checker to using AI in machines to detect disseises early on transforming not only human healthcare but also animal healthcare with helping prevent the extinction of endangered animals such as the snow leopard as well as collecting data of their numbers and their where abouts.


How can Estio Training help with your Data Analytics

To learn more about how Estio can support your business with developing Cyber Security skills, please take a look at our Data Analyst apprenticeship. To read more industry insights please take a closer look at our articles relating to the Data Analyst industry

How to Prepare Data for Machine Leaarning and A.I

Artificial Intelligence is only as powerful as the quality of the data collection, so it’s important to prepare data for Machine learning correctly to ensure no data bias in the prediction models.

Artificial Intelligence reveals unexpected insights and good data collection is driven by knowing we’re all subject to bias. So instead of only feeding a subset of your data to a machine learning model, dump it all in. Even the stuff you think is irrelevant. If it’s irrelevant, the algorithm will ignore it.

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Top Programming Languages in 2020

Top Programming Languages in 2020

Top IoT programming languages

According to the codinginfinite 2020 top-programming survey

  1. Python
    Python has not seen a meteoric rise in popularity like Java or C/C++. Also, Python is not a disruptive programming language. But from the very beginning, Python has focused on developer experience and tried to lower the barrier to programming so that school kids can also write production-grade code
  2. C and C++
     C and C++ have 20% popularity and it is going to continue due to its legacy system and inherence. But as they are basic programming language they would also continue to take their spot as one of the Top programming languages even in 2020.3. R
    R In the coming years, R is slowly gaining popularity due to the increase in popularity of data analyzing. This programming
  3. language is mainly used by Data scientists but it far behind when compared to python which has many Active developers with many modules and libraries of data science.4. Java
    Java scored a rating of 89 out of 100 in Google trends as of January 2019. In December 2019, the number dropped down to 59. This decrease could be attributed to widespread use of Python as an alternative and the intense competition between Python Vs Java.5. JavaScript
    JavaScript popularity can be attributed to the growth of popular JavaScript library and framework like node.js, etc. JS is the language for the dynamic website and this going to be top for coming years because of its active development, support from Mozilla and penalty of libraries and frameworks. So, if someone wants to be web development, javascript is a must.

One of the most important skills to learn in today’s world is to know how to write a computer program. Today, computers have entered in almost every industry. Be it the autopilot in an aircraft or digital speedometer in your bike, computers in various forms surround us. Computers are extremely useful for an organization to scale up well. Gone are the days of pen and paper. Today, in order to store and access your information, you absolutely need computers.

Programming in 2020

With time old programming languages become obsolete while new programming languages are launched, but they never gain traction. A common question amongst beginners (and coders alike) is the programming language they should invest learning in, that is in demand, stable outlook, and plenty of jobs.

The world of Programming is one which keeps changing with each year. We have some top programming languages such as Java and JavaScript which have an almost eternal place in such lists. This list will give you an idea of the 5 most relevant programming languages of today, and perhaps motivate developers to learn and businesses to leverage one of these.


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Top 10 Programming Languages In 2020 | Best Programming Languages To Learn In 2020 | Edureka

To find out more about the top programming languages this year, Please wach the video below.

This video will introduce you to the most trending programming languages which you must learn to succeed in 2020. These programming languages are predicted to create a market shift and open up a huge number of job opportunities in 2020.

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Third Party Cookies with Google

Third Party Cookies with Google

Digital Marketing news

Third Party cookies with Google

Google has made the decision to join Safari and Firefox in blocking third-party cookies in its Chrome web browser. But what are third party cookies and how does it effect marketing? Well cookies are a tiny file dropped by your browser on to your computer’s hard drive when you visit a website, they contain records of your interaction e.g. what you’ve clicked on or whether you are signed in to a site. Cookies do not collect personal data from your computer, only data created by your browsing. When you enter a web address into your browser,a search is made for existing cookies associated with that site. A third-party cookie are cookies that are set by a website other than you are currently on.

After the recent headlines, some commentators have already labelled the third-party data industry as “dead”. Although there are plenty of unknowns, one thing is certain – come 2022, companies that have built their business on selling third-party data for targeting will need to seek out new opportunities in analytics and insight generation to survive. The need for marketers to learn more about their consumers will not go away, so there is a clear opportunity to expand into this area, but doing so will need to involve different models, higher standards for data ethics and compliance with new laws.

For 25 years, as the world changed around us, one thing in advertising remained constant: the cookie. Google’s announcement that it will eliminate third-party cookies from Chrome by 2022 to provide users with “more transparency, choice and control over how their data is used” is a good reminder of the primacy of user needs and that in advertising, as in all things, you should take nothing for granted.

So, what do we know about our new post-third-party cookie future? Right now, the answer is not much, but this gives us the opportunity to imagine and determine a better one. Google has announced its “Privacy Sandbox”, a collection of anonymised signals within a user’s Chrome browser that provide an alternative to cookies in a privacy-first way. Currently in its infancy, the particulars will be ironed out by the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) – the law makers for the internet – over the next two years.

For brands and agencies, new “clean room” environment like Google’s Ads Data Hub, and platforms from newer companies like Infosum that enable data matching and analysis in privacy-first environments, may become vital tools for matching datasets in an ethical and compliant way.

How COVID-19 is Impacting Cyber Security

How COVID-19 is Impacting Cyber Security


COVID-19 is a new illness that can affect your lungs and airways. It’s caused by a virus called Coronavirus. For more information about Coronavirus and how to prevent it, take a closer look at this NHS article.

COVID-19 and Cyber Security

In this article we are exploring how COVID-19 is Impacting the Cyber security industry. In the midst of the ongoing Coronavirus pandemic, facial recognition technology is being adopted globally. This provides a method to track the virus’ spread. But privacy experts worry about the the rush to implement COVID-19 tracking capabilities. They believe that important and deep rooted issues around data collection and storage, user consent, and surveillance may be hidden. It was quoted that. “When faced with a pandemic, the public may be rapidly accepting the risks involved with providing biometric data for healthcare services. However individuals should not be so quick to give up that data,” Furthermore Matt Gayford, principal consuCovid-19 Sporeltant at the Crypsis Group, told Threatpost . “While facial recognition technology provides a fast and zero-contact method for identifying individuals, the technology is not without risks. Primarily, individuals scanned by facial recognition services need to be aware of how their data is being used.” The reason why demand for no touch facial recognition solutions is peaking is two fold. Firstly there is an attempt to stop the spread of the Coronavirus. Many authorities are cutting down biometrics programs that require fingerprints or iris scans. Recently, the New York Police Department stopped employees from using a fingerprint ID entry security procedure. This is in attempt to cut down contamination.

The Change in Nature of Bio Metrics

Cyber Man   This is creating a level of demand for facial recognition companies to begin marketing their services as an identification alternative. Secondly, facial recognition companies are customising their solutions. This is so that they are better equipped to track citizens who may test positive for Coronavirus. In some places, these applications are already being rolled out on mass scale. China has reportedly installed trial facial recognition thermometers on buses to detect Coronavirus symptoms. These thermometers scan passenger’s faces at the entrance of the bus. It then alerts the driver if an anomaly has been detected. According to The Hill, the temperature data of riders is stored in real-time. This is done for tracking vehicles, drivers and passengers if necessary. “Using facial recognition makes it easier than ever for governments to monitor and track their citizens. This is destroying the assumed privacy that comes with anonymity in a crowd.” Lopes said. “Great care must be taken by any organisation that adopts facial recognition at this time, and should disclose their data collecting practices. It is easy to imagine hackers going after a database of facial recognition data. This may be to exploit, thereby giving criminals yet another weapon to use.”  

How can Estio Training help with your Cyber Security

To learn more about how Estio can support your business with developing Cyber Security skills, please take a look at our Cyber Security Technologist apprenticeship. To read more industry insights please take a closer look at our articles relating to the Cyber Security industry

The Coronavirus Explained & What You Should Do!

To find out more about how Coronavirus (COVID-9) please watch the video provided below.

In December 2019 the Chinese authorities notified the world that a virus was spreading through their communities. In the following months it spread to other countries, with cases doubling within days. This virus is the “Severe acute respiratory syndrome-related coronavirus 2”, that causes the disease called COVID19, and that everyone simply calls Coronavirus. What actually happens when it infects a human and what should we all do?

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