Pen Testing as a Service (PTaaS) What you need to know

Pen Testing as a Service (PTaaS) What you need to know

PTaaS and types to look out for

Pen Testing as a Service (PTaaS) is a cloud service that provides information technology (IT) professionals with the resources they need to conduct and act upon point-in-time and continuous penetration tests. The goal of PTaaS is to help organizations build successful vulnerability management programs that can find, prioritize and remediate security threats quickly and efficiently.  PTaaS is well-suited for organizations of any size. Most platforms are very flexible and can accommodate everything from a full testing program to custom reporting features for customers whose regulatory requirements pose heavy compliance burdens. Pen Testing as a Service should not be confused with cloud pen testing. PTaaS is a delivery platform, while cloud pen testing seeks to identify security gaps in a specific cloud infrastructure.


Pen Testing (PTaaS) – Penetration Testing on Wireless Networks:

In this type of testing, all wireless devices that are used by an enterprise such as laptops, notebooks, smartphones, etc. are tested. This type of testing helps in finding vulnerabilities of admin credentials, wireless protocols, and wireless access points.


Pen Testing (PTaaS) – Physical Penetration Testing:

This type of penetration testing is practiced in order to stop the unauthorized control or access on the physical components such as sensors, cameras, motion detectors, etc.


Pen Testing (PTaaS) – Application Penetration Testing:

This testing practice discovers the security threats and weak points in a web application. It is the process that simulates the app from attacks by monitoring the systems and firewalls.


Pen Testing (PTaaS) – Uncovering the Risks


Experienced penetration testers knows how to exploit your network to uncover the real high-risk vulnerabilities and can fully explain each risk, not the one who simply finds the highest number of vulnerabilities. Finding vulnerabilities, opening additional doors, and fixing them all will cost you much less than adding secure layer upon layer in an attempt to cover or hide networks or components susceptible to attacks.

When it comes to quality and security priorities, a penetration test is not a place to skimp: spend the money upfront with the right people, rather than having a breach and paying for it with company reputation and, ultimately, profits. Check out more hidden costs of pen testers from Tech Beacon here.


Pen Testing (PTaaS) – Social Engineering Test:

This testing practice will help an enterprise to find the threat actors who are trying to lure the employees with the methods of manipulation or influence for achieving control over system and enterprise’s sensitive data.


Pen Testing (PTaaS) – Network Penetration Testing:

In this testing method, the vulnerabilities and weaknesses in network infrastructure are identified. This method performs a thorough examination on several software packages such as MySQL, File transfer protocol, SQL server, Secure Shell (SSH), etc.


Pen Testing (PTaaS) – Denial of Service (DoS) testing:

This method of testing is performed in both ways, i.e. using automated tools and manual methods. And, the different types of Dos tests are classified as flooding attacks and software exploits. The DoS formats can occur in various formats such as half-open SYN attack, resource overload, flood attacks, etc.

Pen Testing (PTaaS) – Pen-tester is likely to make use of the standard hacking tools to check for vulnerabilities. However, various challenges are involved with the traditional pen testing model, which is the reason, companies are moving towards the new Pen Testing as a Service model comprising of data, technology, and talent to eliminate the security challenges for modern applications. This methodology applies a SaaS security platform to pen testing to boost workflow efficiencies.


How can Estio Training help with your Software Testing & Cyber Security

To learn more about how Estio can support your business with developing Software Tester or Cyber Security Technologist skills, please take a look at our  Software Tester & Cyber Security Technologist apprenticeship. To read more industry insights please take a closer look at our articles relating to the Software Tester & Cyber Security Technology industry

The Coronavirus Explained & What You Should Do!

To find out more about how Coronavirus (COVID-9) please watch the video provided below.

In December 2019 the Chinese authorities notified the world that a virus was spreading through their communities. In the following months it spread to other countries, with cases doubling within days. This virus is the “Severe acute respiratory syndrome-related coronavirus 2”, that causes the disease called COVID19, and that everyone simply calls Coronavirus. What actually happens when it infects a human and what should we all do?

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How secure is your stored Cloud Data?

How secure is your stored Cloud Data?

Cloud data Storage in 2020

Cloud computing is an internet based computing where virtual shared servers provide software, infrastructure, platform, and other resources and hosting them to customers on a pay-as-you use basis. Cloud vendors make much of storage redundancy, but it takes more than multiple copies to protect data. With the majority of businesses in 2020 using cloud storage these days, it’s so easy to set up and use and it’s a great way to keep your data safe. We’re going to take a closer look at how secure your data really is in the cloud.

Cloud data Storage – Cloud data encryption

To keep data secure, the front line of defense for any cloud system is encryption. Encryption methods utilize complex algorithms to conceal cloud-protected information. To decipher encrypted files, would-be hackers would need the encryption key. Although encrypted information is not 100% uncrackable, decryption requires a huge amount of computer processing power, forensic software, and a lot of time. Learn about Delottie’s Cloud Storage Need to Know here. Fortunately, most storage services will encrypt the data while it’s traveling back and forth, making it impossible to read even if someone captures the files. If your cloud storage works through a Web app, look for “https” instead of “http” in front of the URL in your browser’s address bar. That extra “s” indicates the form is using secure HTTP. If you have a standalone cloud storage app installed on your computer, check to be sure that app uses some type of encryption for its Internet exchanges. Check out AgileIT’s tips on securing and encrypting Cloud Data here.

Cloud data Storage – Content Control

Most cloud storage vendors allow you to share your data with others by generating links to folders or files or by sending a collaboration invitation to others. With that being said, one of the main benefits of using cloud storage is that you get to share with others while restricting and controlling your shared content.

Cloud data Storage – Hybrid storage

While using a mixture of on premise and cloud storage increases productivity, it also makes managing the security of the data stored across multiple environments very challenging. According to recent research, 56% of SMBs say that it’s difficult managing the security of data living in hybrid infrastructures. Learn about Tech Target’s take on Hybrid Storage here.

Pricing on the new iPhone could start at $399 and will probably hold the same price tag of £399 in the UK. Despite the “iPhone SE 2” name this device is likely to be more similar to an iPhone 8. Rumours suggest the new 4.7-inch iPhone will be launching during the first half of 2020.

APIs and storage gateways

Some enterprises use cloud storage APIs or storage gateways to help them migrate their data onto the cloud. These tools act as a middleman between the user and the storage provider. They may help your workers access and manage the data on your cloud, but an insecure API or gateway might cause a lot of damage to your data. If you want or need to use a storage API or gateway, make sure you choose one that has reputable security features. Have a look at Amazon’s information on API here.

How can Estio Training help with your Software Testing & Cyber Security

To learn more about how Estio can support your business with developing Software Tester or Cyber Security Technologist skills, please take a look at our & Cyber Security Technologist apprenticeship. To read more industry insights please take a closer look at our articles relating to the Cyber Security Technology industry,




Learn more about cloud storage focusing on Reasons for using the cloud and Web apps from GCFLearnFree in the video below.

The Coronavirus Explained & What You Should Do!

To find out more about how Coronavirus (COVID-9) please watch the video provided below.

In December 2019 the Chinese authorities notified the world that a virus was spreading through their communities. In the following months it spread to other countries, with cases doubling within days. This virus is the “Severe acute respiratory syndrome-related coronavirus 2”, that causes the disease called COVID19, and that everyone simply calls Coronavirus. What actually happens when it infects a human and what should we all do?

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Software Testing with Cyber Security

Software Testing with Cyber Security

Software Testing Trends in 2020

If your company is taking steps to be a more digitally engaged business, congratulations – you’re on the path to innovation and success. But when trying to deliver high quality digital products across platforms on a variety of operating systems and networks, it’s important to remember to stay focused on software testing trends for the all-important user experience. To put any idea into a practical action plan, you need a strategy. The same goes for mobile testing: if you don’t have a strategy, you cannot test effectively and efficiently. In this article, we’ll explain shortly the factors you need to take into consideration when creating a winning testing strategy.

Software Testing Trends – Business processes built around the QA testing discipline

The most measured approach is to ensure that QA testers and business users review requirements, designs, and test cases, early and often, in order to ensure that every critical flow is understood across all teams. This is the most fundamental institutional QA strategy along which business users in any software organization should align themselves.

Software Testing Trends – Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning in Testing

Intelligent automation will continue to be on the software testing radar in 2020, according to a variety of reports. Applications of artificial intelligence and machine learning (AI/ML) have been leveraged in software test automation before. AI makes testing smarter. Teams can leverage AI/ML to optimize their automation strategies, adapt faster, and operate more effectively. 

Software Testing Trends – Demands for Cybersecurity and Risk Compliance

The digital revolution brings about increasing security threats. CIOs and CTOs from almost every enterprise across all sectors continue to acknowledge the importance of security testing of their software, applications, network, systems. Software developing teams even work with their partners to make their products more resilient to threats, taking the cybersecurity shield to the next level.

Testing for security helps secure not only transactions (be it money or data), but also protection of their end-users. Because cyber threats can take place in any form, at any moment, security testing will continue to be a popular topic in the following year. Take a look at National Cyber Securitie’s info on Risk management guidance here.

Software Testing Trends – More data, better data

The development of data science creates multiple ways for QA teams to get test data. New frameworks and algorithms facilitate the process of test creation and increase case coverage. Using more tools for data gathering is a trend, one of the latest in software testing technology.

In 2020, testing teams will be able to obtain yet more testing data, recording user actions, and on-site behavior in detail. However, data gathering is not the main priority of the year. Instead, testing teams are looking for ways to process data efficiently and transform it into relevant insights.Storing data requires effort and money. The more information you store — the harder it is to navigate complex databases.

Software Testing Trends –Test Automation In Agile Teams

Test Automation was the top testing trend in 2019 when 44% of the IT companies used it for almost 50% of their testing, and in 2020 it is expected to only get higher. Test automation has become a significant tool in software testing because the number of organizations to adopt the Agile and DevOps methodologies for fulfilling the demand for quality is continuously increasing.

Test automation software helps in performing repetitive tasks, detecting bugs faster and more accurately, ensuring the coverage and providing continuous feedback loops. These are the reasons that IT organizations can save a lot of time, money and human resources if they use automated testing in their quality assurance process. Learn more about test automation here.





How can Estio Training help with your Software Testing & Cyber Security

To learn more about how Estio can support your business with developing Software Tester or Cyber Security Technologist skills, please take a look at our  Software Tester & Cyber Security Technologist apprenticeship. To read more industry insights please take a closer look at our articles relating to the Software Tester & Cyber Security Technology industry

The Coronavirus Explained & What You Should Do!

To find out more about how Coronavirus (COVID-9) please watch the video provided below.

In December 2019 the Chinese authorities notified the world that a virus was spreading through their communities. In the following months it spread to other countries, with cases doubling within days. This virus is the “Severe acute respiratory syndrome-related coronavirus 2”, that causes the disease called COVID19, and that everyone simply calls Coronavirus. What actually happens when it infects a human and what should we all do?

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How COVID-19 is Impacting Cyber Security

How COVID-19 is Impacting Cyber Security


COVID-19 is a new illness that can affect your lungs and airways. It’s caused by a virus called Coronavirus. For more information about Coronavirus and how to prevent it, take a closer look at this NHS article.

COVID-19 and Cyber Security

In this article we are exploring how COVID-19 is Impacting the Cyber security industry. In the midst of the ongoing Coronavirus pandemic, facial recognition technology is being adopted globally. This provides a method to track the virus’ spread. But privacy experts worry about the the rush to implement COVID-19 tracking capabilities. They believe that important and deep rooted issues around data collection and storage, user consent, and surveillance may be hidden. It was quoted that. “When faced with a pandemic, the public may be rapidly accepting the risks involved with providing biometric data for healthcare services. However individuals should not be so quick to give up that data,” Furthermore Matt Gayford, principal consuCovid-19 Sporeltant at the Crypsis Group, told Threatpost . “While facial recognition technology provides a fast and zero-contact method for identifying individuals, the technology is not without risks. Primarily, individuals scanned by facial recognition services need to be aware of how their data is being used.” The reason why demand for no touch facial recognition solutions is peaking is two fold. Firstly there is an attempt to stop the spread of the Coronavirus. Many authorities are cutting down biometrics programs that require fingerprints or iris scans. Recently, the New York Police Department stopped employees from using a fingerprint ID entry security procedure. This is in attempt to cut down contamination.

The Change in Nature of Bio Metrics

Cyber Man   This is creating a level of demand for facial recognition companies to begin marketing their services as an identification alternative. Secondly, facial recognition companies are customising their solutions. This is so that they are better equipped to track citizens who may test positive for Coronavirus. In some places, these applications are already being rolled out on mass scale. China has reportedly installed trial facial recognition thermometers on buses to detect Coronavirus symptoms. These thermometers scan passenger’s faces at the entrance of the bus. It then alerts the driver if an anomaly has been detected. According to The Hill, the temperature data of riders is stored in real-time. This is done for tracking vehicles, drivers and passengers if necessary. “Using facial recognition makes it easier than ever for governments to monitor and track their citizens. This is destroying the assumed privacy that comes with anonymity in a crowd.” Lopes said. “Great care must be taken by any organisation that adopts facial recognition at this time, and should disclose their data collecting practices. It is easy to imagine hackers going after a database of facial recognition data. This may be to exploit, thereby giving criminals yet another weapon to use.”  

How can Estio Training help with your Cyber Security

To learn more about how Estio can support your business with developing Cyber Security skills, please take a look at our Cyber Security Technologist apprenticeship. To read more industry insights please take a closer look at our articles relating to the Cyber Security industry

The Coronavirus Explained & What You Should Do!

To find out more about how Coronavirus (COVID-9) please watch the video provided below.

In December 2019 the Chinese authorities notified the world that a virus was spreading through their communities. In the following months it spread to other countries, with cases doubling within days. This virus is the “Severe acute respiratory syndrome-related coronavirus 2”, that causes the disease called COVID19, and that everyone simply calls Coronavirus. What actually happens when it infects a human and what should we all do?

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To find out more about how Estio Training can support you with developing the very best Digital Apprentices, complete this form to arrange contact with one of our representitives.

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