How Branding since Covid-19 has changed

How Branding since Covid-19 has changed

Branding since Covid-19

With branding since Covid-19, everyone is going through a reset. While some changes may be temporary, this reset is likely to alter what it means to be part of a society and community. Some things will never be the same again as we see the new normal.

One of the clearest trends to have emerged from the Covid-19 pandemic is that consumers have changed their shopping habits, with leading high street retailers including Sainsbury’s suggesting that radical shifts in buying behaviour may prove to be permanent. As for the effects of COVID‑19 on brand strategies going forward, most organizations are currently focused on tweaking and developing messaging that’s sensitive to the times, although radical marketing pivots are not quite so widespread yet. To date, the focus has primarily been on purchasing chann – with data demonstrating a rapid shift towards online shopping platforms and an increased willingness among shoppers to trial reduced contact solutions such as Sainsbury’s SmartShop and Target’s Drive Up.

Branding since Covid-19: Reconsider your brand values. 

These are good times to revisit and examine the defined value for your brand. Especially if we bear in mind that we’re faced with new circumstances that highlight what’s truly important to each of us as consumers. This will cause a major shift in our priorities and therefore our attitude as consumers.

  • Do we have a clear view of who we are as a brand, and who we want to be in the future?
  • Can we use our brand proposition to build a story that makes us different from others?
  • Is it credible because it reflects who we are?
  • Is it relevant to our stakeholders?
  • Are our customers concerned about the quality of our product, or are they more interested in the good it can do for us and our environment?

Branding since Covid-19: COVID‑19 on brand strategies

As for the effects of COVID‑19 on brand strategies going forward, most organizations are currently focused on tweaking and developing messaging that’s sensitive to the times, although radical marketing pivots are not quite so widespread yet. Before taking a deep dive into the results, here are our key takeaways:

  • 57% of those surveyed believe COVID‑19 will have a lasting impact on their brand/marketing efforts, but it won’t be transformative
  • 36% of respondents have actually increased their output of marketing campaigns since the COVID‑19 outbreak
  • More than half of those surveyed feel that the need to work remotely has only had a “small impact” or “no impact at all” on team productivity
  • The lack of knowledge sharing and content collaboration was rated as the biggest challenge for teams working remotely
  • 1 in 2 brand professionals see the development of new messaging, content and campaigns in response to COVID‑19 as their highest branding-related priorityAgainst the backdrop of so much uncertainty, brands no longer have the luxury of engaging in lengthy multi-million-pound product development and marketing cycles. Instead, they need to adopt a faster, test and learn-based approach. Here are six top tips for how brands will need to evolve their models to respond to this seismic shift:

Generate solutions, not just campaigns

 In previous months’ brands have been quick to empathize and inspire us in times of crisis. But that will not be enough anymore. It is easy to do campaigns but unless they bring solutions to consumer’s problems in these changed times, they would be lost in a whiff. Zomato in India said ‘Stay Home’ but they didn’t just end there. They started delivery of groceries and will soon launch contactless dining in light of the scenario. 

Brands need to think about ways in which non-traditional partnerships might help them counter Covid-19 challenges. Snacks are an adjacent sector to takeaway, for example, so maybe there is an argument for piggybacking their delivery network to get products into the home (get a pizza and chocolate from Just Eat at the same time). Retailers like Aldi are selling food parcels that contain 22 products online. Brands should be exploring whether it makes sense for them to be in that bundle or, linking back to the bulk purchasing point, whether they have sufficient products of their own to make up a direct to consumer parcel (think Unilever, P&G).

How can Estio Training help with your Branding

To learn more about how Estio can support your business with developing your Video & Imaging, please take a look at our Digital Marketing apprenticeship. To read more industry insights please take a closer look at our articles relating to the Digital Marketing industry.

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Covid-19 Branding Trends | Kaye Putnam

Check out Founder Institute’s 6 successful components to all successful global brand strategies, and shined light on how any type of business can pivot and reposition their brand during Covid-19. 

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Top Branding Trends Businesses Should Follow in 2020

Top Branding Trends Businesses Should Follow in 2020

Branding Trends in 2020

Branding trends are being approached differently in 2020. Intense competition and constant technological innovation has changed the concept of branding forever. Today, it reaches far beyond mere visual differentiation. 2020 is the perfect opportunity to refresh and refine your branding. People are still the reason for brand success. How you treat them, how you help them succeed, how they trust you in a world awash with data and privacy issues. These all matter greatly. A solid branding is what will set your company apart from the rest. This is why many companies put a great deal of effort into coming up with a catchy brand name, designing their logo, and planning color schemes.

Branding Trends – Heavy yet simple fonts

Apparel, branding, logos, and headlines — in all these cases, heavy yet straightforward works. Less is more with these branding trends.The purpose of this stylistic choice is to create an impact on your audience engagement in your branding and the words of your graphic design can only go so far if they’re not visually grabbing the attention of your customers. It’s easier to go for what we know works already rather than experimenting on fonts that can put your branding at risk.

Branding Trends – Influencer Marketing

Influencer marketing has been popular for some time, and this trend shows no signs of slowing. As much as half the population appears to depend on recommendations from influencers when making purchases. According to a TEDx Talk by Rachel David, influencers play a big part in modern brand marketing strategies. If you can get the right influencer, you no longer have to worry about reaching audiences that are interested in your niche. These people have already established themselves as an authority in their field and have an army of followers and engaged audiences.

Branding Trends – Digital Presence

Streamlining your digital presence is critical in 2020. Your customers need to easily find you and know you are an established business. The accessibility of the internet has paved the way for an always-on social media culture. This consequently transformed sites like Facebook, YouTube, Pinterest, Twitter, and Instagram into prime spots for building your brand. This is why it comes as no surprise that 90% of organizations leverage social media for brand awareness.

Branding Trends – Personalised Brand Experience

The truth of the matter is, it’s difficult for customers to trust brands. They feel like most companies are simply out to get their money. If you want them to do business with you, you must humanize your brand. To create customer loyalty, you need to provide an exceptional customer experience. This goes beyond giving perks or gifts. It has to be something that differentiates you from your competitors.  In 2020, customer experience is expected to overtake product and price as a differentiator. Attaching a personality to your brand is one of the most tried and tested brand marketing trends of all time. After all, just as people have multifaceted personalities, so should your company.


Branding Trends – Visual Content

Brands should already be using visuals in all aspects of marketing. It’s time to get serious with not only visually appealing social posts, videos and blog posts – but need to now look at visual search as well. According to HubSpot, branded images can yield 67% more attention than advertisements and other promotional content. This can be attributed to the fact that this type of visual content aims to promote your brand without the risk of overt advertising.

Branding Trends – Interactive Content

Marketers should explore ways that they can interact with their audiences in meaningful and fun ways. The social networks are making it easy for us. Social networks such as Instagram and Twitter offer easy to use features for polling, voting and curation. Marketers can get really creative with campaigns that have an interactive focus from day one.Check out Brafton for the best interactive brand content of last year here.

How can Estio Training help with your Video & Imaging

To learn more about how Estio can support your business with developing your Video & Imaging, please take a look at our Digital Marketing apprenticeship. To read more industry insights please take a closer look at our articles relating to the Digital Marketing industry.

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2020 Branding Trends | Kaye Putnam

Check out Kaye Putnam’s biggest creative Branding trends in 2020 in the video below and check out here brand personality quiz here.

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Top Photography Trends in 2020

Top Photography Trends in 2020

Photography Trends in 2020

Technology has been a boon for the photography business for decades, and this is something that’s been getting steadily faster in recent years. This has been true across every niche, with product photography being no exception The advancement of technology has resulted in a variety of photography trends becoming increasingly more prominent. These aren’t the only trends that have started to impact the industry, however, as consumer demands have affected how a product photographer does business.

Photography Trends – Minimalist photography

Minimalist photography is quickly growing in popularity with many photographers, and it’s easy to see why. In today’s visually-saturated world, the simplistic style of minimalist photography offers visually-soothing results – with plenty of breathing room. Minimalism provides a refreshing visual break from the constant flood of information, and visual noise that we face every day. Check out some examples of Minimalist Photography here.

Photography Trends –Photographing Age Diversity

Cultural and body diversity are becoming important and relevant topics in today’s world. Age diversity is no different. More and more people are starting to include people of all ages in the workplace.

This trend says that someone who’s not considered young is still relevant and important in the workplace. You can symbolize this by photographing people of all ages in various workplaces. Photograph them together with young people, so that this photography trend is clear in your work. Check out Shutterstocks top Diversity Photographers and there take on the style here.

Photography Trends – DLSR Is Becoming a Niche

DSLR cameras were one of the biggest trends affecting the industry for years after they were first released. This was because they offered quite a significant number of benefits when using them. In recent years they have seen a reduction in popularity. This has been driven by the increase in smartphone use across the world. While these devices initially had cameras that were of a low quality, this has changed steadily. Learn about Shutterstock’s pros and cons of DSLR Photography here

Photography Trends – Colour Management

One of 2020 photography trends is abiding the rules of color management. For several decades, shooters have been actively discussing orange and teal split toning. This color combination hasn’t lost its appeal even nowadays, but the way photographers treat them is a bit different. Check out VeiwSonic’s guide to Colour Management Photography here.

Photography Trends – 360-Degree Photography

360-degree photography has become increasingly popular across the majority of social media platforms. While many initially dismissed this as a flash in the pan, it hasn’t diminished in popularity as much as they had thought, and is being integrated into many large eCommerce websites such as amazon. Check out The Digital Photography introduction into 360 Photography here.

While this shouldn’t affect smaller products, it may begin having an impact on larger ones. This should be especially true with the likes of buildings and premises.

Photographing people protesting for a better future

Human rights have long been an important topic in the world. Now, they’re more relevant than ever. Human rights can involve politics, cultural changes, gender equality, and much more. These are all issues that clients want to see in the photography industry more often. Check out Shutterstock’s Six Photographers on How to Take Iconic Photos of Protests here.

How can Estio Training help with your Video & Imaging

To learn more about how Estio can support your business with developing your Video & Imaging, please take a look at our Digital Marketing apprenticeship. To read more industry insights please take a closer look at our articles relating to the Digital Marketing industry.

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2020 Creative Trends | Shutterstock

Check out Shutterstock’s biggest creative Photography trends in 2020 as well as, digital art, footage, and music in the video below.

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Third Party Cookies with Google

Third Party Cookies with Google

Digital Marketing news

Third Party cookies with Google

Google has made the decision to join Safari and Firefox in blocking third-party cookies in its Chrome web browser. But what are third party cookies and how does it effect marketing? Well cookies are a tiny file dropped by your browser on to your computer’s hard drive when you visit a website, they contain records of your interaction e.g. what you’ve clicked on or whether you are signed in to a site. Cookies do not collect personal data from your computer, only data created by your browsing. When you enter a web address into your browser,a search is made for existing cookies associated with that site. A third-party cookie are cookies that are set by a website other than you are currently on.

After the recent headlines, some commentators have already labelled the third-party data industry as “dead”. Although there are plenty of unknowns, one thing is certain – come 2022, companies that have built their business on selling third-party data for targeting will need to seek out new opportunities in analytics and insight generation to survive. The need for marketers to learn more about their consumers will not go away, so there is a clear opportunity to expand into this area, but doing so will need to involve different models, higher standards for data ethics and compliance with new laws.

For 25 years, as the world changed around us, one thing in advertising remained constant: the cookie. Google’s announcement that it will eliminate third-party cookies from Chrome by 2022 to provide users with “more transparency, choice and control over how their data is used” is a good reminder of the primacy of user needs and that in advertising, as in all things, you should take nothing for granted.

So, what do we know about our new post-third-party cookie future? Right now, the answer is not much, but this gives us the opportunity to imagine and determine a better one. Google has announced its “Privacy Sandbox”, a collection of anonymised signals within a user’s Chrome browser that provide an alternative to cookies in a privacy-first way. Currently in its infancy, the particulars will be ironed out by the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) – the law makers for the internet – over the next two years.

For brands and agencies, new “clean room” environment like Google’s Ads Data Hub, and platforms from newer companies like Infosum that enable data matching and analysis in privacy-first environments, may become vital tools for matching datasets in an ethical and compliant way.