
COVID-19 is a new illness that can affect your lungs and airways. It’s caused by a virus called Coronavirus. For more information about Coronavirus and how to prevent it, take a closer look at this NHS article.

COVID-19 and Cyber Security

In this article we are exploring how COVID-19 is Impacting the Cyber security industry. In the midst of the ongoing Coronavirus pandemic, facial recognition technology is being adopted globally. This provides a method to track the virus’ spread. But privacy experts worry about the the rush to implement COVID-19 tracking capabilities. They believe that important and deep rooted issues around data collection and storage, user consent, and surveillance may be hidden. It was quoted that. “When faced with a pandemic, the public may be rapidly accepting the risks involved with providing biometric data for healthcare services. However individuals should not be so quick to give up that data,” Furthermore Matt Gayford, principal consuCovid-19 Sporeltant at the Crypsis Group, told Threatpost . “While facial recognition technology provides a fast and zero-contact method for identifying individuals, the technology is not without risks. Primarily, individuals scanned by facial recognition services need to be aware of how their data is being used.” The reason why demand for no touch facial recognition solutions is peaking is two fold. Firstly there is an attempt to stop the spread of the Coronavirus. Many authorities are cutting down biometrics programs that require fingerprints or iris scans. Recently, the New York Police Department stopped employees from using a fingerprint ID entry security procedure. This is in attempt to cut down contamination.

The Change in Nature of Bio Metrics

Cyber Man   This is creating a level of demand for facial recognition companies to begin marketing their services as an identification alternative. Secondly, facial recognition companies are customising their solutions. This is so that they are better equipped to track citizens who may test positive for Coronavirus. In some places, these applications are already being rolled out on mass scale. China has reportedly installed trial facial recognition thermometers on buses to detect Coronavirus symptoms. These thermometers scan passenger’s faces at the entrance of the bus. It then alerts the driver if an anomaly has been detected. According to The Hill, the temperature data of riders is stored in real-time. This is done for tracking vehicles, drivers and passengers if necessary. “Using facial recognition makes it easier than ever for governments to monitor and track their citizens. This is destroying the assumed privacy that comes with anonymity in a crowd.” Lopes said. “Great care must be taken by any organisation that adopts facial recognition at this time, and should disclose their data collecting practices. It is easy to imagine hackers going after a database of facial recognition data. This may be to exploit, thereby giving criminals yet another weapon to use.”  

How can Estio Training help with your Cyber Security

To learn more about how Estio can support your business with developing Cyber Security skills, please take a look at our Cyber Security Technologist apprenticeship. To read more industry insights please take a closer look at our articles relating to the Cyber Security industry

The Coronavirus Explained & What You Should Do!

To find out more about how Coronavirus (COVID-9) please watch the video provided below.

In December 2019 the Chinese authorities notified the world that a virus was spreading through their communities. In the following months it spread to other countries, with cases doubling within days. This virus is the “Severe acute respiratory syndrome-related coronavirus 2”, that causes the disease called COVID19, and that everyone simply calls Coronavirus. What actually happens when it infects a human and what should we all do?

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