Level 4 – Dev Ops Engineer
At its simplest, DevOps is a philosophy and way of working that brings together two historically disparate parts of the IT organisation, namely those who develop the software and those who are then required to support it in the live environment. The DevOps Engineer encapsulates both disciplines, requiring the individual to understand and appreciate how their code functions when being used in the real world and troubleshoot any issues that may arise, while taking a cloud-infrastructure focused perspective.
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Discover Industry Skills
Learn Agile Methodologies
Have you ever wondered how modern day applications are developed? Agile is just one of the modern approaches to managing a software project.
Agile is not a language as some might think, thin of it as a way of delivering value to a customer is small increments.
Learn Version Control GIT
Have you ever wondered how programmers are able to work in teams to create projects?
How do we share the same code base? How do we track revisions? Find out how here in this Code Academy short course. Complete to earn yourself a certificate.
Jenkins, a Beginner Tutorial
Jenkins is a Automation and CI Tool. It is a java application and very easy to learn.
This course is designed for complete Beginners to understand and learn Jenkins from scratch.
Git, Github and Version Control
Working with multiple software projects? In this free online course, learn about Version control with Git. Git will help you manage all the versions of your code while keeping a clean golden copy. Learn how to create and merge branches of code, with the Git essentials of Add, commit and push.
Instructional Systems Design
This free online Instructional Systems Design course will teach you about the important aspects of learning theories and learning objectives and teach you how they influence the design process.
You will look into the role of memory, needs analysis, and design models such as ADDIE
Unix/Linux and Shell Scripting -crash course
This free online Unix/Linux and Shell Scripting course will teach you about a range of Linux commands, and then about shell scripting.
Linux/Unix systems are used throughout the world, on computers phones and integrated systems
Learn JavaScript?
JavaScript is among the most powerful and flexible programming languages of the web. It powers the dynamic behaviour on most websites, including this one.
Learning a language such as JavaScript is a big advantage to developer because of it’s concepts and structure
The leading open source automation server, Jenkins provides hundreds of plugins to support building, deploying and automating any project.
Github Desktop
Build, check and run automated tests on the server even before committing your changes – keeping your code base clean at all times.
Build, Test, Deploy and Connect. Deployment projects, and the integrations with AWS CodeDeploy and Docker provide all you need to deliver your final product
Download and Explore some DevOps Tools and Services.
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