Advanced Google Analytics
Google Analytics primarily for measuring website traffic - Preparing for the IQ Certification.

Advanced Google Analytics walks you through how data gets collected and processed into readable reports. You’ll learn how to use configurations like Custom Dimensions, Custom Metrics, and Event Tracking to collect data that’s specific to your business. The course will also demonstrate more advanced analysis techniques using segmentation, channel reports, audience reports, and custom reports, as well as marketing strategies like remarketing and Dynamic Remarketing that show ads to customers who have visited your website.

  • Data Collection and Processing
  • Google Analytics data collection
  • Creating a measurement plan
  • Setting Up Data Collection and Configuration
  • Set up advanced filters on views
  • Create your own Custom Metrics
  • Advanced Analysis Tools and Techniques
  • Analyze data with Custom Reports
  • Advanced Marketing Tools

Exam Length (mins)

Course Cost £

Exam Cost £

Related Subjects: Digital Marketer