Systems Management Concepts & Methodology
Gain knowledge in apporoaches to systems management.

The Systems Management Concepts and Methodology course is a foundational course to prepare learners about the principles of systems management, Protocols, Protocol troubleshooting tool, iDRAC, CMC, iSM/OMSA, including overviews of Open Manage Enterprise and SupportAssist Enterprise. The course covers integrations such as OMI MSWAC, OMI Ansible, ServiceNow and so on. Lastly, the course also describes the features of Dell Repository Manager.

  • Define systems management and its benefits.
  • Identify different management methods and controls.
  • Describe the role of network protocols in systems management.
  • Differentiate between in-band management and out-of-band management.
  • Describe the difference between one-to-one management vs one-to-many management.

Course Length (hrs)

Course Cost £

Exam Cost £

Related Subjects: ICT | Network Engineer