Level 3 – Software Development Technician
This course is well suited for learners who require an introduction into the creative and diverse world of software development, learners will complete modules aimed at facilitating a solid introduction to programming. Learners will also learn some of the common software development methodologies.
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Discover Industry Skills
Learn Version Control GIT
Have you ever wondered how programmers are able to work in teams to create projects?
How do we share the same code base? How do we track revisions? Find out how here in this Code Academy short course. Complete to earn yourself a certificate.
Learn JavaScript?
JavaScript is among the most powerful and flexible programming languages of the web. It powers the dynamic behaviour on most websites, including this one.
Learning a language such as JavaScript is a big advantage to developer because of it’s concepts and structure
Learn HTML5
HTML is the foundation of all web pages. Without HTML, you wouldn’t be able to organise text or add images or videos to your web pages.
HTML is the beginning of everything you need to know to create engaging web pages!
Learn CSS3
CSS is usually accompanied along side HTML5. CSS is the language we use to style an HTML document.
CSS describes how HTML elements should be displayed.
The concept of styling can be aliped to many aspects of development. So it’s well worth learning.
Learn Agile Methodologies
Have you ever wondered how modern day applications are developed? Agile is just one of the modern approaches to managing a software project.
Agile is not a language as some might think, thin of it as a way of delivering value to a customer is small increments.
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