Top IoT programming languages

According to the codinginfinite 2020 top-programming survey

  1. Python
    Python has not seen a meteoric rise in popularity like Java or C/C++. Also, Python is not a disruptive programming language. But from the very beginning, Python has focused on developer experience and tried to lower the barrier to programming so that school kids can also write production-grade code
  2. C and C++
     C and C++ have 20% popularity and it is going to continue due to its legacy system and inherence. But as they are basic programming language they would also continue to take their spot as one of the Top programming languages even in 2020.3. R
    R In the coming years, R is slowly gaining popularity due to the increase in popularity of data analyzing. This programming
  3. language is mainly used by Data scientists but it far behind when compared to python which has many Active developers with many modules and libraries of data science.4. Java
    Java scored a rating of 89 out of 100 in Google trends as of January 2019. In December 2019, the number dropped down to 59. This decrease could be attributed to widespread use of Python as an alternative and the intense competition between Python Vs Java.5. JavaScript
    JavaScript popularity can be attributed to the growth of popular JavaScript library and framework like node.js, etc. JS is the language for the dynamic website and this going to be top for coming years because of its active development, support from Mozilla and penalty of libraries and frameworks. So, if someone wants to be web development, javascript is a must.

One of the most important skills to learn in today’s world is to know how to write a computer program. Today, computers have entered in almost every industry. Be it the autopilot in an aircraft or digital speedometer in your bike, computers in various forms surround us. Computers are extremely useful for an organization to scale up well. Gone are the days of pen and paper. Today, in order to store and access your information, you absolutely need computers.

Programming in 2020

With time old programming languages become obsolete while new programming languages are launched, but they never gain traction. A common question amongst beginners (and coders alike) is the programming language they should invest learning in, that is in demand, stable outlook, and plenty of jobs.

The world of Programming is one which keeps changing with each year. We have some top programming languages such as Java and JavaScript which have an almost eternal place in such lists. This list will give you an idea of the 5 most relevant programming languages of today, and perhaps motivate developers to learn and businesses to leverage one of these.


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Top 10 Programming Languages In 2020 | Best Programming Languages To Learn In 2020 | Edureka

To find out more about the top programming languages this year, Please wach the video below.

This video will introduce you to the most trending programming languages which you must learn to succeed in 2020. These programming languages are predicted to create a market shift and open up a huge number of job opportunities in 2020.

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